Monday, February 2, 2009

Im doing Grade Six

T was tired yesterday and had a headache, he wasn't a happy child when I got home from gym. He is very independent and has gone through school so far pretty much on his own steam without too much involvement from me. We fight like crazy when we do school work together and it just makes things worse. But now he is a "senior" in junior school and things are a bit tougher. We had a chat and I read the information brochure for Grade 6 that his very strict teacher sent and decided that this year I am going to HAVE to get more involved. I told him this morning that "we" will do Grade 6 together and from now on when I get home from gym he needs to have all his books out and his diary ready so I can check what he has done, needs to do etc. Maybe I sound like a "slack" mother not having done all this before. His Grade five teacher was pretty laid back, and he told us in the beginning of the year they wouldn't get homework only if they didn't complete the class work and projects. Before that we lived in Centurion and he went to aftercare and they did his homework etc with him so yip it is my FIRST time. Going to need to keep myself focused on this and discipline both T and myself to stick to it. Wish me luck!!


BioniKat said...

All the best with the homework. I'm doing grade 7 thankfully for the last time (cos its getting harder!) I used to love it when they did homework at aftercare. Those were the days. Now he refuses to go to aftercare. He has also got very clever with the bullsh*t stories about how he has done his homework at school. Got to watch him like a hawk.

AngelConradie said...

I don't think you're a slacker- if he managed on his own then thats awesome!