Sunday, February 8, 2009

I hate being a single mother when T is sick

I hate being a single mom when T is sick. It is the one time when it feels like I'm "not good enough" because I can't be in two places at one time and I have to come to work and leave this child sick at home. I feel so bad doing it and I feel so guilty because I can't stay with him and because we don't have a full time maid or plenty of money so he has to be alone. The caretaker is there and she will keep an eye on him but man it hurts. he really isn't well so at eight I must phone the doc for an appointment and then I am going to take him and get his medicine etc and bugger whatever anyone here at work has to say. To add to this I am sick too blgggggggggggg


AngelConradie said...

oh boy do i remember days like that... my 30th birthday was a classic example! it was a sunday. it was financial month end and i had to be at work at 6am. i woke up and damien had a fever... i gave him meds and prayed it would break quickly- but no such luck. i ended up waking lina to look after him because i had to get to work- and you know understanding those wankers were back then!

lulu said...

these dum asses are the same they don't give a sh*t unless it their kids then they missing fast as a flash!!

BioniKat said...

Most companies have 3 family responsibility days a year per staff member usually used for funerals etc. But to the best of my knowledge they can also be used by mom's when their child is sick. Worth it to find out.

lulu said...

yes we do have FR leave but he had an operation last year and I was off then. Never rains but it pours!!