Thursday, November 13, 2008

Family Time

Last night we went to supper at one of my BF houses. She and I were at boarding school together a hundred years ago in this SMALL town and she has lived here most of her life. Her son is over for a visit from London, he went in February of this year and she misses him like crazy. We had a real "family" time with her mother and daughter and her boyfriend also there, A's mom is hilarious and had us in stitches all night long hope when I eventually get to 70 I am also so funny. She goes for shock value so she says outrageous things and we laughed until we couldn't anymore. T being 11 and at the stage of liking ALL things dodgy thought it was too good to be true to hear all this!!

It's official I am going to start job hunting, a daunting prospect as I have worked for the same company (though at different branches) for a long long time. I have learnt a lot and I have moved between departments which means I have a LOT of experience and have been in Management since I was 24. So now it's time to move on, it is sad really but I am so unhappy at this branch and it is the people not the job. They are very narrow minded here and afraid of change and afraid of somebody "upstaging" them or knowing more etc. Very petty I know but I have been here a year and a half and they are NOT going to change. So the future does not look bright here at all. I was hoping to tough it out until T finishes junior school BUT I don't know of that is possible??? Three of us transferred here from Pretoria and the other two cut and ran back in June already. The situation is eating away at me, killing my personality and self esteem and it is not a healthy one. Mostly I try to remain positive and I don't let it get to me but now and then it eats away like an illness and so now I have to face it head on and go for broke. Heaven help me!!!

1 comment:

AngelConradie said...

yay for old friends and laughing!
strongs with the job hunt, and LOL at the "fringe"!!