Thursday, September 10, 2009

School projects...........

T has had a lot of projects this term and we have learnt some interesting things. As I am sure other mom's understand the schools keep giving projects, but a lot of the research and picture printing etc lands on the parent's already full plates. Lucky for me I work for an office automation company so I can scan and print and do whatever I need to at the office. I have Internet access too so it is relatively easy for us to help with these projects, but I do wonder how parents cope that don't have all these benefits?

Today T handed in his project on Tibetan Sky Burials: they had to do a project on rituals or traditions. The sky burial is an interesting one where the body is cut up and the bones smashed and mixed with barley flour then fed to vultures. The Tibetans believe that the birds are angel's and aid the passage of the soul to heaven. I know to some it will sound gross but we found it interesting. But apart from printing some pictures (which are not easily obtained as photography is not encouraged at these burials) and some information I left him to do it. T always does his own projects and he types the information in his own words saves it on his memory stick and I print it for him at work.


A lot of projects are so obviously done by the parents. There is a special section of marks for "own" work and i wonder how these projects are marked? it seems unfair to compare the work of a 12 year old to the work of a 35 - 40 year old parent? Last Friday the grade 6's had entrepreneurs day at school. We were encouraged to accompany them and help them at their stalls etc. I had some business to do at the bank etc so I took a days leave. T and I made chocolate covered marsh mellows and a LOT of water balloons. We also sold cold drink. My child worked hard, he filled ALL the balloons himself, he stood over a pot of melting chocolate and covered his marsh mellows and added sprinkles. We had a simple table with a cloth and sold most of our things. But glory it was an experience, while some other children also had simple stalls and sold simple things, a LOT of the stalls were run by the parents. They were set up like shops & sold expensive and fancy things, they had huge banners and chocolate fountains and were totaly overboard. I can't even begin to explain the contrast between the two sets of children. The ones with fancy shop like stalls were not even selling their own things rather running all over the place while "mommy" did it. T sold his own things and he even worked around the school hawking his wares as did a lot of other children. Now tell me HOW are the teachers going to mark that little exercise?? Who is going to get better marks? The kids that did their OWN stalls and made their OWN things to sell or the others??


Martha said...

We hope you get a good mark for your project!
It brought back memories of working on school projects together with my children - all grown up now!
Have a good weekend after all your research.
Martha & Bailey xxx

BioniKat said...

Lulu I really don't know how the teachers mark project that are so obviously just done by the parents. I usually have to help Bradley quite a lot because he is totally non-start when it comes to projects. I usually get info off Wikipedia and extract information to a few pages. From there he extracts info even more and writes it in his own words. He does the cover page and decides what pics to use and where to use them. Some of the projects especially tech are much too difficult for the age group, I think.

lulu said...

I also help T by getting all the info etc but T also (as Bradley does) writes it in his own words etc. I agree the projects are way advanced at times and boys, even ones without ADD, are not the neatest creatures. But the total contrast between the kids that try and do it themselves and the overboard things that some of the parents do is a shocker! I feel sorry for T at times because he does his OWN work and for me that is good enough I just wonder if the teachers acknowledge that? ONE did remark once when they had to make a bow and arrow that T got higher marks because he did it HIMSELF and it worked?

AngelConradie said...

Oh the joys of OBE.