Monday, November 30, 2009
Thursday, November 26, 2009
he he he ...................
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I got an award.........

I got this award from "momcat" at truth is stranger then fiction, a very wise and wonderful blogging friend! Thank you so much!
The rules are if you accept the award you need to list six things that people don't know about you and pass it on to six other bloggers.
1. I suffer from insomnia I can go for two weeks or more where I don't sleep for more than two hours a night. I don't like taking tablets to make me sleep, I only do when I'm desperate. It comes and goes in stages, but it is my obsessive thinking about everything that keeps me from falling asleep.
2. I adore my animals I never feel lonely with them around and I always have a dog under foot or on the couch next to me or on my lap. I'd rather be at home with them than anywhere else in the world.
3. I HATE shopping and shopping malls, yeah go figure not a "normal" woman :-)
4. I can knit, I knit very well my mother taught me when I was very young. I knit the most gorgeous aran style Jerseys, fair isle anything and people think it is only for "grannies"....I have even done a tapestry.....
5. I read A LOT always got a book on the go and I prefer reading to watching TV, I also like to pay PC games and can do so for hours, but I like the mind puzzling type of games not action or shooting like T.
I'm going to award this to the following bloggers:
Step Mommy - I have met her in real life she is the sister of a good friend of mine, she is an amazing person and a very "gorgeous"blogger
Dachshund Tails - read the blog what an amazing person!
Martha & Bailey's Mom - sorry girls this award is for your mom but you two are gorgeous too!!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Blue Monday............
We learnt Math all weekend, T and I rarely do homework or learning together, he does it on his own and so far he has done alright at school so I don’t get involved. But he was worried about Math and said he just doesn’t “get it”, they were writing on fractions and angles, funny how it all comes back to you once you start learning it again. He eventually said “I’m really getting it now”….what a relief.
So all prepared for the exam and ready to go we get into the car and it is dead as a doornail. Bloody hell, it is pouring with rain we have 15 minutes to get T to school and the battery finally decided that’s it. I phoned our driver from work, he lives on the other side of town and he rushed over, T was only 5 minutes late which wasn’t a problem as they learn first and write later in the day. This is a bad month financially for me and there I am at work with no money and a dead car. My dear brother deposited money into my account around 12 and I set off with one of the technicians to draw the money and get the car sorted. The ATM gave my card back and said ‘take your cash” it kept saying that (or rather displaying it on the screen J ) but no cash came out. Eventually after standing there and phoning the bank too scared to leave the machine it shut down totally and displayed “this machine is out of service”, I tried the next one but the money was off my account already even though I didn’t get a cent. I had to go to the branch to fill in a claim, only to be told it is a “remote” ATM and it takes up to FIFTEEN business days to get the money back. I was floored, we went home and “kick” started the car pushing it down the drive way, I fetched T from school kept the car running all the time and drove to the battery place. I walked back to work from there and borrowed the R500.00 to replace the battery. All this time it is pouring with rain, I really had a bad Monday and I am now stuck with no money & I am really pissed………………….I really am thinking that I was a very bad person in a past life as the shit just never ends, I was so relieved when my bro gave me the money and only to have shit once again? Do curses really exist?
So all prepared for the exam and ready to go we get into the car and it is dead as a doornail. Bloody hell, it is pouring with rain we have 15 minutes to get T to school and the battery finally decided that’s it. I phoned our driver from work, he lives on the other side of town and he rushed over, T was only 5 minutes late which wasn’t a problem as they learn first and write later in the day. This is a bad month financially for me and there I am at work with no money and a dead car. My dear brother deposited money into my account around 12 and I set off with one of the technicians to draw the money and get the car sorted. The ATM gave my card back and said ‘take your cash” it kept saying that (or rather displaying it on the screen J ) but no cash came out. Eventually after standing there and phoning the bank too scared to leave the machine it shut down totally and displayed “this machine is out of service”, I tried the next one but the money was off my account already even though I didn’t get a cent. I had to go to the branch to fill in a claim, only to be told it is a “remote” ATM and it takes up to FIFTEEN business days to get the money back. I was floored, we went home and “kick” started the car pushing it down the drive way, I fetched T from school kept the car running all the time and drove to the battery place. I walked back to work from there and borrowed the R500.00 to replace the battery. All this time it is pouring with rain, I really had a bad Monday and I am now stuck with no money & I am really pissed………………….I really am thinking that I was a very bad person in a past life as the shit just never ends, I was so relieved when my bro gave me the money and only to have shit once again? Do curses really exist?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
One more makes 34..............
The bokmakierie is very vocal around my area but I hadn't seen him until this morning. I was marching across the lawn to fill the bird bath and the dogs water and there he was under the trees next to my clivias. I came to a dead halt and just enjoyed him. it was a great sighting as he was so close and he stayed a while before flying off. This isn't my photo but one I got off the net, what an amazing start to the day!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Blasts from the past.................
I know with technology and things like face book, MXIT etc these days it is not unusual to find a lot of your old friends and colleagues. I have located or been located by a lot of people and in some cases people that I was very close to at one or other stage of my life. What does surprise me at times is how much I have missed of their lives and how close we still can be. There are three people in particular that I went to school with, one from Grade one to Grade twelve, and two others in High School only. I have chatted to a lot of old school friends etc over the years and we send a few lines say hi and that is that. But these three special people and I have reconnected and we talk a lot and often and we really share. These are people I grew up with that knew me when I was a kid, and a teenager. We are from all over the world now but our worlds met when we were MUCH younger and now we are catching up on each others lives. It is amazing how much we know about each other but how little. How our lives are all so different but we started in the same place at one stage or another, the memories, the children we have, the tragedies, the triumph's the photos. It is an amazing journey and I am really enjoying it, one D was my best friend for years at school I still have our grade one class photo and many other class photos all the way up to grade 12 (except for 7 & 8 when I was in boarding school) we had sleep overs we rode horses together our parents and siblings knew each other. One B was my best friend in boarding school and we lost contact when I left. The other one was my BF in grade 11, not for long when you are 15 these things don't always last. I want to thank each of you for being back in my life for the laughs we had and still have, for the sharing and caring! I wonder if the universe knows when we need people to come back into our lives for whatever reason? It sure has made me feel good! I spent an hour and a half on MXIT last night chatting to an ex colleague that I was also pretty close too, thanks to him too! It means a lot to know that so many people care and think about me it makes these creeps here at work seem very unimportant and insignificant! Finally thank you to my blogging friends the ones I have never met and the ones that were my friends already! Your caring support and great advice means a whole lot to me! Technology can be a wonderful thing!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Long time..no post

The garden is coming on really nicely now, I don't know if I ever mentioned that the owners ripped everything out and left me with bare flower beds and only large trees and shrubs. I have been there 8 months now & things are starting to really take off after all the rain. I have flowers and ground covers and a gorgeous lavender bush that my parents bought me, my two baby hydrangeas are flowering, little blooms but flowers never the less, can't wait for them to open. The aggies are also flowering one popped it's bud this weekend.
Last weekend there was a spotted dikkop in my garden( see picture above), they are not common in gardens and it was so exciting. My garden bird list is up to 33 species now and I need to post it here soon. I feed the wild birds every day and many species come only to drink & bath in the bird bath. One of my favorite things is to watch a bird bathing it is so peaceful. My parents who are avid bird watchers and even did a University course on bird watching think it is very amusing that I am so "into" it now. I am not one to go out birding actually I get impatient etc, but bird watching in my own garden is awesome.
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