Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I moved, I'm broke and I'm trying to fix it.................

Hey hey thanks Angel for my birthday cupcake and post it was way kewl! Well I moved, I did it. But I have been in so much pain since then and am so highly stressed out that I haven't had time to enjoy it yet. My back is very very angry with me and it refuses to work and I am walking like a hunch back or like somebody with a carrot up their butt.....:-) My bro couldn't make it for the weekend and that sunk my spirits a lot. I worked very hard all day Saturday and I even got the fishes back into their tank before nightfall. I worried only about my animals, Thomas cat thinks that this new house is too cool, he moves from window to window surveying his territory and lying on the sills looking out. He refused to stay inside for the recommended three days when we first moved here and this time he also wanted out by Sunday morning, he is a seven year old wise cat and he went out for a bit came back to check we still there and out again....each time going a bit further and exploring a bit more. He seems to be visiting next door already where there is an aftercare centre and comes home FAT and happy each afternoon, oops I think he is being spoilt.

The stress levels are high, we having a rough time at work, home is rough. I am on my way to the bank AGAIN to try and solve my financial problems and I might be moving to another bank because my current one keeps giving me more money and it isn't solving a dam thing. yeah I PAY all the debts and yeah I am a great customer so help me FFS. I have been to them three times in the last four years for advice and they keep loaning me money increasing my OD etc. Well time to grow up financially and sort out the crap. I can't stress every single month about every single thing and so I need statements and I'm off to another bank who will help me consolidate and sort out. So after thirty one years with the same bank I might well be changing. I am so stressed about money and finances right now I can't sleep can't think straight and I can't even enjoy my new home. It's eating me inside and I HAVE to solve it for once and for all. So wish me luck!!


AngelConradie said...

good luck lulu! stick to your guns and you'll get through it!

Cathy said...

I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. It will get better.

lulu said...

thanks guys need the suppport!!