Thursday, January 22, 2009

We are going to gym and I have to QUIT

I am really looking forward to this, my friend and I are going to go to gym together, we going to go and see what it's all about after work today. It's a ladies only gym and you go five days a week. For a long time now I have been getting more and more irritated with my body and being unfit and not exercising. I used to walk and do weights every day until about six months ago then I just gave up and haven't been able to motivate myself anymore. But together we are going to do this!!!

Oops now I HAVE to quit smoking again need the money to go to gym, don't know why I ever started again in the first place as it is making me so sick. Anyway I don't have any ciggies now so lets hope and pray I can be strong like last time and stick to it. I have all the knowledge and education necessary to do so I researched quitting "cold turkey" for three weeks last time and then quit. I was so strong, and motivated then I threw it all away! Sometimes I could just slap myself. Anyway I have gum, wine gums, halls, banana's and orange juice today I am really going to try! OK let me not think about it 'cos then I am going to want to smoke. In for a rough three days I know that much, 72 hours before all the nicotine is out of my system. The first three days of cold turkey are the worst. I expect I shall be whining away plenty about quitting, so if anyone feels moved to help motivate this addict please do so!! Thanks!!!


BioniKat said...

I can't believe no-one commented yet so let me say - congrats on trying again to give up. I have never smoked and I know I'm not missing anything. Once you stop you will feel the benefits in your healt and your pocket so hang in there Lulu! Mind over matter - your mind is the boss so don't weaken and let your body tell it what to do!

AngelConradie said...

yay lulu!!!
strongs girl, i know you can do it!!
just be sure to avoid tomatoes- for some reason they can aggravate a nicotine craving!